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교수님이나 학생들에게 무엇이든 편하게 문의해주세요 / (Lab captain)

Welcome to Photonics Systems Research Lab at KAIST

Our interests span a range of science and engineering topics related to photonic systems and subsystems. We have been working on high-capacity fiber-optic transmission systems, free-space optical communications, broadband optical access systems, and photonic sensor systems since 2014.


2024-02-26   Seokjun, Jinbae, Dohun, Seyun, and Ngoc joined our lab.

2023-08-28   Arman joined our lab.

2023-02-27   Mincheol and Xi joined our lab.

2022-12-29   Gyuwan received the 2022 Talent Award of Korea.

2022-12-01   Our lab won the Best Research Lab Award in PC2022.

2022-12-01   Jihoon won the Best Student Paper Award in PC2022.

2022-08-29   Horyun joined our lab.

2022-05-27   Jongwan won the Best Student Paper Award in COOC2022.

2022-02-28   Seokyoung joined our lab.

2021-12-03   Our lab won the Best Research Lab Award in PC2021.

2021-12-03   Jongwan won the Best Student Paper Award in PC2021.

2021-03-02   Gyuwan and Woohyeon joined our lab.

2021-02-01   Dr. Tianwai Bo was appointed as the Associate Professor in Beijing Institute of Technology.

2020-12-01   Our lab won the Best Research Lab Award in PC2020.

2020-12-01   Daeseong won the Best Student Paper Award in PC2020.

2020-07-28   Insuk joined our lab.

2020-03-14   Keunjae, Jaeyun and David joined our lab.

2019-12-18   Zonglong's paper was selected as one of the most downloaded articles in the area of optical communications published in Optics Express and Optics Letters. [ abstract ]

2019-12-05   Our lab won the Best Research Lab Award in PC2019. [ more ]

2019-11-14   Daeseong joined our lab.

2019-09-02   Jihoon and Mat joined our lab.

2019-07-11   Dr. Tianwai Bo won the IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Outstanding Reviewer Award.

2019-06-21   Dr. Tianwai Bo received the Outstanding Reviewer recognition from the Optical Society of America.

2019-06-04   Zonglong won the Best Student Paper Award in COOC2019.

Join Us

We always have an eye out for highly motivated M.S. and Ph.D. program students with interests in the areas of photonic systems/subsystems and optical transmission systems. A postdoctoral position is available to study free-space optical communications and high-capacity transmission systems.
Please contact me directly at if you are interested in the position.

Contact Us

Building E3-2, Room 4204
School of Electrical Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
291 Daehak-ro Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
Korea 34141 [  map  ]
